Should I allow my female cat to have a litter of kittens to improve her personality?

Should I allow my female cat to have a litter of kittens to improve her personality? No.

Allowing your female cat to have a litter of kittens solely for the purpose of improving her personality is not a recommended approach. Let’s consider the reasons: Remember, a cat’s personality is shaped by various factors, including genetics, environment, and individual experiences. Prioritize her health, happiness, and responsible pet ownership. 🐾 RELATED: Do you think …

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70 Bengal cats in poor condition rescued from breeder in Runcorn, UK

Bengal cats rescued in Runcorn from an irresponsible and failed breeder

NEWS AND COMMENT: The news media does not fully explain the situation but the story is that an animal charity has rescued 70 Bengal cats from a “horrific breeding situation”. It is very rare for a cat breeder to fail so catastrophically. We don’t know whether the breeder was an informal Bengal cat breeder …

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Pet serval is like a domestic cat on steroids

Serval living in an apartment wants to escape

It is distressing to learn once again of another pet serval escaping. This time a man who appears to be in his 30s living in an apartment adopted a serval. I am sorry but he is living in a standard apartment and he thinks it is okay to have a pet serval. It is …

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Should drug addicts have pets?

Should drug addicts have pets?

The answer to the question should be nuanced as there are complex issues to deal with. There is no simple answer and there are important factors to consider. On the one hand, it can benefit a drug addict to take responsibility for caring for a pet cat or dog but on the other hand …

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Proactivity is the way to deal with feral cats in Australia

Take proactive steps to deal with Australia's feral cats

Australia’s Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, recently declared war on feral cats. I thought that Australia had been at war with feral cats for a very long time so this statement came as a surprise to me. They’ve been killing feral cats (and the occasional pet cat or dog) in Australia for many years as …

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A good example of domestic cat exploitation on TikTok showing a grossly obese cat

Gross obesity in a domestic cat

To the best of my knowledge, TikTok is infamous for featuring animal exploitation videos. By this I mean animals such as this ginger tabby domestic cat who is being exploited by their owner who makes a ‘funny cat video’ (not so funny for me) out of his gross obesity. This is irresponsible cat ownership. …

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Graduates prefer cats to dogs

Graduates are more likely to own a cat than a dog

This research is not current but for a long time I have been reading about cat owners being intelligent, independent-minded people, usually single women. That is the kind of profile we read about. And a research study published in 2010 which hit the news media outlets revealed that “Households in which someone was qualified …

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