America: tame wild cats exhibited at cat shows 1895-1903

Miss Frances Simpson

Miss Frances Simpson was one of three major personalities in the early years of the cat fancy in England. She wrote a book called The Book of the Cat which was published in 1903. In that book she refers to the first American cat show held in the Madison Square Garden, New York, on …

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Singapura cat’s history was an elaborate deception by the founders of the breed

A real Singapura

The Singapura is quite a rare cat breed and arguably the smallest of all the breeds. It looks like a small, elegant product of a cross between Burmese and Abyssinian cats. Critics of the history of the breed as stated by the founders, Mrs Tommy Meadow and her husband Hal Meadow, felt that the …

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Picture of badly bred Exotic Shorthair cat

Badly bred Exotic Shorthair

It is instructional to remind ourselves what a badly bred purebred cat looks like. Here we have an Exotic Shorthair, the shorthaired version of the Persian. The facial anatomy has been distorted by poor selective breeding. The eyes bulge and appear to point in different directions. It is almost as if the eyes are …

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Where do Persian cats come from?

Mrs Simpson and an old fashioned Persian

Well, Persian cats should come from Persia which is now Iran. Of course we are referring to the original Persian cats because nowadays you can say that Persians mainly come from America where they are extensively bred. For decades Persians were and perhaps still are the world’s most popular breed. In counties with the …

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