Entropion in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC.

Entropion in Peke-face Persian cats

Entropion is an inherited eye condition and a logical consequence of the cat fancy’s Peke-face Persian’s breed standard, which aims to produce the extremely flat face. The infographic outlines the causes, symptoms, and treatments. Long-term prevention would be fairly straightforward: reduce the extreme selective breeding over a long time to produce cats with more …

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Tear duct obstruction in Peke-face Persian cats. INFOGRAPHIC.

Tear duct overflow in Peke-face Persians. Featured image for article.

In a succinct infographic I explain a classic health problem associated with the Peke-face (flat-faced) Persian: tear duct overflow due to tear duct obstruction which in turn is due to a distorted facial anatomy which in turn is due to the extreme breeding of this breed as a result of decades of mismanagement by …

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Peke-face Persian’s eating and oral health problems. Infographic explains.

Misaligned carnassial teeth of the Peke-face Persian and associated health issues

The infographic highlights potential eating and oral health issues faced by Peke-face Persians, caused by their shortened facial structure. This is the result of decades of extreme selective breeding that prioritizes appearance over health. This breed suffers many other health problems for the same reason (see some links below the infographic). I have argued …

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Persian Cat Breeding

Are Persian Cats Healthy? I am afraid not.

Through Persian cat selective breeding the appearance of the cat that you know (probably the extreme Persian look) has been altered over a period of time (substantially over the last 30-40 years) resulting in a facial appearance that has been described as “pansy-like” by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), and “peeked”, “peke-faced”, “extreme”, “ultra”, …

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Where do Persian cats come from?

Mrs Simpson and an old fashioned Persian

Well, Persian cats should come from Persia which is now Iran. Of course we are referring to the original Persian cats because nowadays you can say that Persians mainly come from America where they are extensively bred. For decades Persians were and perhaps still are the world’s most popular breed. In counties with the …

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1930s Persian cat compared with 2000 variant (picture)

1938 Persian cat

The difference that 80 or more years of selective breeding makes to the Persian cat can be seen in the photo. The breeders decided in about 1930 that they needed to refine the appearance of the Persian cat. For some unimaginable reason they decided that refinement meant flattening the face to unnatural proportions and …

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Persian Cat is Entirely American and European

With the name “Persian” you would have thought that this long established cat breed came from Persia, now Iran, or at least somewhere east of Europe. However, on the basis of “DNA microsatellite evidence” the Persian cat belongs to the random bred cats of Europe and America. For the record, I am not going …

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