Brilliant copper eyes of tabby Exotic Shorthair

Tabby Exotic Shorthair with brilliant copper eyes

I was looking for ‘strange cats’ on Pinterest and came across this tabby Exotic Shorthair with the most extraordinary copper-coloured eyes. If this was not a video I would have decided that this was an example of photo-editing because the colour is hardly believable. These bright copper eyes can only be the creation of …

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Pictures of cats: A chubby-cheeked bicolor Exotic Shorthair cat

Picture of a chubby-cheeked bicolor Exotic Shorthair cat

This is a very interesting looking Exotic Shorthair cat. The standout feature other than the classic flat-face is the extraordinarily large chubby cheeks. They remind me of the cheeks of Russian bred British Shorthair cats. Why are the cheeks of this cat so large and rounded? We have to read the breed standard to …

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Picture of Ikiru – Exotic Shorthair cat celebrity

Ikiru - Exotic Shorthair celebrity on Instagram because his tongue sticks out

The coronavirus lockdown has improved the celebrity status of Ikiru, an Exotic Shorthair pointed cat with a sticky-out tongue and a very flat face. He has a good following on Instagram. Sadly, nearly all the Exotic Shorthair celebrity cats have something wrong with their anatomy due to breeding which makes them look interesting or …

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