Ukraine war will be won by the most persistent, resilient and persevering

Persistence will win the Ukraine war

There is a sign in stands at Roland Garros, the famous tennis complex where the French Open is played. It reads: “Victory belongs to the most persevering“. Ray Kroc purchased the fast-food company McDonald’s in 1961 from the McDonald brothers and was its CEO from 1967 to 1973. Kroc is credited with the global expansion of McDonald’s, turning it into …

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Ukrainians march with pets to freedom via only means of escape

Ukrainian woman refugee fleeing Ukraine on this occasion into Poland with her two cats and dog

Currently, the only means of escape for Ukrainians trapped in the Russian-controlled east and south of Ukraine is through a northern crossing on the Ukraine-Russian border called the Kolotilovka Pokrovka checkpoint. It’s near the town of Sumy. This means that they have to travel huge distances from the south of Ukraine in Russian-controlled territory …

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Britain provided refuge to almost 3000 pets from Ukraine

Tabby cat refugee

The British authorities deserve the praise that they are receiving from a Ukrainian bestselling author, Andrev Kurkov, for allowing Ukrainian refugees to bring their pets with them when fleeing their country after Putin’s invasion. This was a gift from the British authorities because Britain has been rabies free for more than a hundred years …

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Video shows heroic animal rescuers saving cats and dogs from Avdiivka, Ukraine

Still image from video of Ukrainian animal rescuers rescuing cats and dogs in the almost totally destroyed Ukrainian town of Avdiivka, Ukraine

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is an effective but distressing video of Ukrainian animal rescuers rescuing cats and dogs in the almost totally destroyed Ukrainian town of Avdiivka from which Ukrainian troops withdrew as it had been surrounded by Russian troops and artillery for a long time. Ukrainian military commanders decided it was wiser to …

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Blue Scottish Fold at the front remains calm during Russian shelling

Herych is a blue Scottish Fold and a cat celebrity and fundraiser for the Ukrainian military in the Ukraine war

It is astonishing to see a blue Scottish Fold as part of the Ukrainian army at the front line but Herych (Herald) is acquitting himself extraordinarily well. He is unfazed by the shelling. He turns his head towards the explosions in mild curiosity 😉 according to his human companion. Perhaps he has got used …

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Charismatic cat becomes the son and lover of a Ukrainian soldier in the war

Cats fight with Ukrainian warriors

“Shaybyk had the biggest charisma. It was getting cold, so I took him with me one night into my sleeping bag. And that’s when I fell in love with that cat,” said Liashuk, 26. “He’s not just my best friend, he’s my son.” – Politico Don’t you love those words? Such a close relationship. …

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Rescue cat in Irpin, Ukraine dies of a heart attack during Russian bombardment


NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a little story tucked away on the internet, almost invisible, but important, about the death of a rescue cat in Ukraine during the illegal war started by Russia which continues to be so devastating to people and animals. The story serves to highlight how the war is killing animals. …

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