Why can cats hear ultrasound?

Serval cub with huge ears for sound hunting of rodents in long grass in Africa

Cats can hear ultrasound to enhance their ability to detect high-frequency sounds produced by rodents which communicate in the 20-50 kHz range (mouse squeaks). Small cats are therefore well-equipped to detect the sounds of their prey. Ultrasound is sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper audible limit of human hearing. The upper limit …

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What is the hearing range of a cat?

Sensitive cat ears

Whereas humans can hear up to 20,000 cycles per second (cps) or 20kHz, cats can detect sounds as high as 60,000 to 80,000 cps (80kHz). At the low end of audible frequencies cats hear between 20 and 55 cps (20-55 Hz). Humans have a similar ability to detect low frequency sound. The cat’s ability …

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Do cats hate loud music?

Are Cat Ears Supposed to Be Hot?

Yes, domestic cats hate loud music and shouting. These loud sounds are torture to the cat’s delicate hearing apparatus. A cat’s ears are much more sensitive to sound than the ears of his or her owner. They hate noisy homes. Most cat owners who are switched on realize this. They try and keep their …

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