A cat’s senses are ready and waiting

Cat senses for survival

Here comes Toji! – Photo by fofurasfelinas (link at base of page) This is a really nice picture by a well-known Flickr photographer, Giane Portal, Flickr name: forfurasfelinas, of a sanctuary or rescue cat (she is heavily involved in cat rescue) named Toji. As we can see, he is a brown mackerel tabby cat …

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Home treatment for cat ear mites

Ear mite

Treating your cat’s ear mites is possible at home provided (a) you do it in conjunction with veterinary advice to first positively identify ear mites as the cause of the health problem and (b) your vet has examined the cat and determined that the ear drums are intact and (c) you clean your cat’s …

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Cat’s expressive eyes and mobile ears

Cat with 2 individual whiskers that curl up and touch both her eyes

The body language of a cat’s eyes and ears are worth a quick discussion and I am reliant on personal experience and that of the vet Dr Bruce Fogle in his book Complete Cat Care. Eyes As is typical of other animals, dilated pupils indicate excitement or enervation because the cat is fearful or …

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Infographic on cat ear canal health issues

The cat ear canal health issues

This is an infographic on cat ear canal health issues. You might think that this is a very specialist, unusual topic around which to create an infographic, but it isn’t. On my reading of cat health issues, ear mites residing in the ear canal of domestic, stray and feral cats are a major issue. …

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8 reasons why your cat paws at their ears

If your cat is persistently pawing at their ear flaps (but not washing them), I believe you will need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Be aware that your cat is in discomfort, perhaps extreme discomfort due to itchiness and irritation, and as a responsible cat caregiver you need to remove the …

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Some people can hear ultrasonic cat deterrents

Ultrasonic cat deterrents can be heard by people sometimes

The ultrasonic sound cat deterrent is recommended by the RSPB. It’s effective between 22-46% of the time and is therefore moderately effective in deterring indoor/outdoor cats from coming into your garden. If they get past the barrier of high-pitched sound, they spend less time in the garden because it is uncomfortable. This device is …

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