Evolved cat ear anatomy provides wide frequency range detection. Infographic.

To the cat fancy domestic cat ears can be an anatomical feature that enhances appearance and which is ranked under the breed standard. Specifically, this is a reference to the ear flap. For Maine Coons they should be large and impressive in line with the impressive appearance of this breed. For Persians, the ear …

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Sometimes cats don’t look at you when spoken to. Infographic.

People who are unsure about domestic cats sometimes say that they are aloof and standoffish. This alleged aloofness can be seen, they’d say, when they don’t turn their heads towards you when you speak to them. This is not aloofness in the human meaning of the word. It is the behaviour of a different …

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Incorrect to say a kitten has ‘4 ears’. It’s 4 EAR FLAPS only.

2 extra EAR FLAPS not 2 extra ears

NEWS AND OPINION: A cat born with “four ears” is simply a visual anomaly. They have an extra flap of skin – the ear flap which ‘captures’ sound – that gives the appearance of an additional ear on each side of their head. However, the underlying anatomy – the internal ear structure responsible for …

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Can newborn kittens hear?

Newborn kittens are totally deaf or nearly deaf for a short while.

I believe that the answer to the question is more nuanced than you will see on many websites. At the time of writing this, October 1, 2023, the top ranked site according to Google states that for the first four days kittens are both blind and deaf. And the pet MD website states that …

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A cat’s senses are ready and waiting

Cat senses for survival

Here comes Toji! – Photo by fofurasfelinas (link at base of page) This is a really nice picture by a well-known Flickr photographer, Giane Portal, Flickr name: forfurasfelinas, of a sanctuary or rescue cat (she is heavily involved in cat rescue) named Toji. As we can see, he is a brown mackerel tabby cat …

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Picture of a domestic cat happily crouching on tin foil

The sound and appearance of tin foil does not affect all domestic cats

The sound and appearance of tin foil does not affect all domestic cats equally it seems 😃. The picture confounds the world view of domestic cats as creatures that are terrified of tin foil which it is used quite a lot as a cat deterrent in the home. An ugly deterrent I have to …

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Some people can hear ultrasonic cat deterrents

Ultrasonic cat deterrents can be heard by people sometimes

The ultrasonic sound cat deterrent is recommended by the RSPB. It’s effective between 22-46% of the time and is therefore moderately effective in deterring indoor/outdoor cats from coming into your garden. If they get past the barrier of high-pitched sound, they spend less time in the garden because it is uncomfortable. This device is …

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