White cats make bad mothers? Infographic.

White cats make bad mothers? Infographic. by Michael Broad Do some white cats make bad mothers because they are deaf? Deafness in white cats is associated with a genetic condition linked to the “dominant white” (W) gene. While this condition can lead to challenges in maternal behaviors, it doesn’t inherently make white cats bad …

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Why do white cats make bad mothers?

White cats can be challenged in being good moms but compensate in using other senses if they are congenitally deaf

I think the question in the title is a little harsh and it needs to be discussed. Not all white cats make bad mothers. In fact, it might be argued that white cats don’t make bad mothers despite the fact that if the mother is completely white with blue eyes, they have a 60%-80% …

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When it is time to admit failure and rehome your cat

Old male cat screams all the time when living in a one-bedroom apartment and the female owner is at the end of her tether

There is a woman on the mumsnet.com website who is completely at the end of her tether. She hates the cat that she adopted. She had waited all her life to adopt a cat of her own. When she finally bought her own one-bedroomed flat on the second floo she adopted an older male …

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White domestic cats often make bad mothers

Deaf white cats

The title sounds unfair and biased but it isn’t as it is based in biological fact. The prevalence of deafness in pure white domestic cats varies depending on whether they have two blue eyes (the highest proportion of deaf cats), odd-eye colour or non-blue eyes (least likely to be deaf in both ears). Where …

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Deafness in cats – causes, diagnosis and management plus dog info. too

deaf white cat MIkey

This article covers the causes, the breeds most commonly concerned, diagnosis and management of deafness in cats (plus info on dog breeds predisposed to deafness). It is closely based on a research paper called: AETIOLOGY, PREVALENCE AND DIAGNOSIS OF DEAFNESS IN DOGS AND CATS by George M Strain published in this instance by Science …

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‘Unadoptable cats’ often simply need the right person to come along

Beautiful Sam a deaf cat and companion to Elaine

It’s useful to remind ourselves that there is nearly always someone who is suited to a so-called “unadoptable” shelter cat. It’s just a question of the one meeting the other. Here are two examples where the right person met an unadoptable cat and made them adoptable. The stories come from Cats Protection who worked …

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Cute all-white deaf cat vocalises her surprise and excitement when ‘owner’ turns up

There is a surprisingly high percentage of all-white deaf cats. This cutie is deaf and unable to hear her approaching human guardian which means she is more likely to be surprised by his/her close presence when he turns up. It is all very sudden. We know how cats are so sensitive to approaching people …

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