Feline superfetation explained in an INFOGRAPHIC

Feline superfetation explained in an infographic. by Michael Broad Superfetation Explained (in humans) How common in cats? The exact percentage of cats that experience superfetation is not well-documented, as it is considered an extremely rare phenomenon in feline reproduction. Most of the available information is anecdotal or comes from isolated veterinary case reports rather …

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What is feline superfetation? Promiscuity in human terms.

Feline superfetation

Superfetation occurs when about 10 percent of cats come into heat when pregnant. This results in a second set of eggs being fertilised before the first litter is born. It is a result of the breeding capabilities of the domestic cat. Normally pregnancy suppresses the sexual physiology of the female. However, female cats sometimes …

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Picture of four different-looking kittens found with a mother. Could they all be hers?

Four different kittens from same mom. Can they all be hers?

A social media user presents four pictures of four different kittens. They were found with a stripey mum. The person asks whether all of the kittens could be hers. The photographs are below courtesy: u/s-dai. The answer is yes because kittens in the same letter can have different fathers. The process is called superfecundation. …

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Why do these kittens look nothing like their mother?

Superfecundation in action probably

This is a photograph from the Reddit.com website and the person who posted it asked: “Why do these babies look nothing like their mother?” There are two reasons. The first is superfecundation which means that when you see a litter of kittens as you do in the photograph, they might have more than one …

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