Wearing a lynx fur coat is “the pinnacle of trend-setting bravery”

Kendall Jenner and her lynx fur coat (2016)

The well-known department store Harvey Nichols in London described the wearing of a £68,000 lynx fur coat as “the pinnacle of trend-setting bravery”. This is 2019. When are traders and sellers of animal skins going to learn that this is a cruel and immoral business? They said that the coat would “inspire longing glances.. …

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Celebrity Cats: Exploitation Or Celebration?

Grumpy Cat at Toy Fair 2014 with Ganz products

By Emily Parker, Catological.com Like people, animals can become famous. Chances are good that through social media, magazines, and movies, you’ve heard of several star felines by now. Celebrity cats such as Grumpy Cat and Arcturus Aldebaran, who was the tallest cat in the world, are just a couple felines who have gained national …

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91-year-old American Woman Made Purses Out Of Neighbors’ Missing Cats

She made purses from domestic cat pelts

This is surely an example of a complete lack of morality and sensitivity. It is shocking but it is not surprising. This gruesome story unfolded in Grand Haven, Michigan, USA. Note: for the record, this is not an example of “America bashing”. It just so happens that the woman is American and that is …

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