Owners of cats and dogs poisoned to death by commercially prepared foods should receive an automatic $10,000 payment in compensation

I award $10,000 for emotional distress on the loss of you cat

What you think about the idea in the title? Please share your thoughts. The figure of $10,000 comes from Nathan Winograd, the founder of the No Kill Advocacy Center. It’s in US dollars but it could be in UK pounds or any other currency. It is as at this date (April 2023). It will …

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Awarding fixed damages for emotional distress on criminal damage to cats and dogs

I award $2,000 for emotional distress on the loss of you cat!

Judges should be under a legal obligation to award fixed damages for emotional distress in a claim for compensation for the illegal loss or injury of a cat or dog. In this article I’m referring to the way the courts undervalue companion dogs and cats and indeed other animals. If a person’s dog or …

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