Minoxidil hair growth treatment is highly toxic to cats. Infographic.

Minoxidil is a hair growth product for people. Usually, men I suspect. That might in itself be useful knowledge because single men are less likely to be the caregiver of a domestic cat than a single woman but nonetheless, humans have a propensity to make mistakes. It is a human trait. No matter how …

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Think of Delhi’s cats and dogs in the city’s worst airborne pollution in 40 years

The smog of Delhi harms pets and people

The report is that Delhi is suffering its worst smog in 40 years. Of course, the story concerns how people are suffering. But what about the pet dogs and cats living in that sprawling city? The airborne pollution is choking the city. The Scottish historian William Dalrymple has lived in Delhi for 40 years …

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Cat poisoners often hide in plain sight and can be pillars of the community

Cat poisoner

This is a story which reminds us that typically cat poisoners hide in plain sight, in the community where they live, and can even be ‘pillars of the community’. This is an allegation at this stage and therefore nothing is proved in a criminal court of law; a point that needs to be made …

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Consider not giving your cat tinned tuna to prevent poisoning and to support conservation

Consider not giving your cat tinned tuna to prevent poisoning and support conservation

The latest news is: “Mercury found in tins of tuna described as ‘colossal risk to public health’ ” (Foodwatch France which was behind the investigation). Why do tuna have such high levels of mercury in them? And are there good reasons other than ingesting poison for no longer buying tuna in supermarkets? The following …

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Link between dirty air and more veterinary visits for your cat or dog

PM 2.5 pollutants harm cats and dogs too

There is a link, as confirmed by a study, between living in a place where the air is dirty i.e. polluted and increased veterinary visits for cats and dogs. This is unsurprising because we know that polluted air causes health problems for people so why not for pets? I guess it just needed to …

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Warning to people and their pets after Walsall Canal polluted with cyanide

Walsall canal polluted with cyanide

In the UK, Walsall Canal has been polluted with cyanide. Specifically, sodium cyanide also known as cyanide salt. People and dogs and even cats face a potentially serious risk to health. The toxic chemicals are linked to a metal finishing company nearby. The Environment Agency (EA) is one of the authorities investigating the incident …

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Microplastics in semen of humans and testes of dogs. Infographic.

Microplastics found in every semen sample in study and in testes of dogs and humans. Infographic.

If you were in any doubt about the extent of worldwide plastic pollution, take a look at this infographic prepared by me based on news reports which are in turn are based in Chinese studies (perhaps the world’s biggest contributor to world pollution). The plastic that we throw away is broken down into tiny …

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