How common is diabetes in cats? It varies depending on where you are.

Diabetics are more prone to infection

Cats with diabetes most commonly suffer from the Type II form (80-90%) which occurs when glucose levels are high because cells in the body do not respond appropriately to insulin and when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to manage blood sugar levels. So how common is diabetes in domestic gas? The …

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Average domestic cat weighing 13 pounds is at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Diabetes tester

The average domestic cat weighing 13 pounds or more is at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. That’s just 3 pounds overweight for a standard-sized cat which would normally weigh about 10 pounds. The point to note is that it is very easy for a cat owner to overlook a 3-pound …

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Can cats be cured of diabetes?

Diabetic cat

This is a question for a veterinarian or scientist so what I’ll do is cite some stories about cats being cured of diabetes. Although individual cats respond in different ways, in these examples the cats were cured of diabetes by transferring from dry cat food to wet. That, in a nutshell, was the cure. …

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3 diabetic cats cured with an exclusive wet cat food diet

I am not a veterinarian so rather than discussing in detail the causes and cures of type II diabetes in domestic cats, I have decided to tell 3 stories about 3 cats. The stories come from Elizabeth Hodgkins’ book, Your Cat, which is essentially about dry cat food and how it can gradually cause …

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Cat diabetes – home treatment – first hand experience

Home treatment for feline diabetes

Intro: this is a long and detailed article. It is written by a great guy who has first hand experience of caring for a diabetic cat so it is very useful. Bob kindly agreed to pass on his experience. It was written years ago but is as useful now as it was then. Feline …

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Connection between dry food and an increased risk of feline diabetes

Does dry cat food cause feline diabetes?

People ask Dr Google: ‘does dry cat food cause diabetes?’. For me the answer can be found from two sources (1) a study published on 1st December 2016 ‘Environmental Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus in Cats‘ and (2) a book written by a veterinarian entitled ‘Your Cat’ by Elizabeth M Hodgkins DVM. There was …

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