Early easy-to-read signs that your cat companion is ill. Infographic.

A compact list in a 3-page infographic of early, easy-to-read signs that your cat is ill. I hope it is useful to some. To be honest, the observant and organised cat caregiver will quickly have a hunch that ‘something is wrong’ with their cat because illness brings behavioural changes which are noticeable. However, in …

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Cat Pain Detector assesses portrait photo. Available now.

Cat Pain Detector by careology

This is available right now online using a laptop. I’ve just used it. I used a photo of a Bengal cat that I had on file. He is not my cat. This cat looks healthy and not in pain. In fact, he is a rescue cat who’s been at a shelter for 12 months …

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Can googling cat health symptoms make them worse?

Googling pet health symptoms

Can googling symptoms general make them worse? YES, is the easy answer. But it depends on who is doing the googling. If an inexperienced cat owner is googling their observed symptoms suffered by their cat because they are clearly unwell it is entirely possible – perhaps likely – that the owner will misdiagnose the …

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7 types of feline coughing with suggested causes

Cat Coughing

This table shows seven types of feline coughing with suggested causes. Remember a cough is a symptom of an illness. The information comes from four American veterinarians: Debra Ekdredge DVM, Delbert Carlson DVm, Liisa Carlson DVM and James Giffin DVM. Coughing is a reflex action instigated by an irritant in the bronchial tubes or …

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3 diabetic cats cured with an exclusive wet cat food diet

I am not a veterinarian so rather than discussing in detail the causes and cures of type II diabetes in domestic cats, I have decided to tell 3 stories about 3 cats. The stories come from Elizabeth Hodgkins’ book, Your Cat, which is essentially about dry cat food and how it can gradually cause …

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Calicivirus: I told my vet I’m getting very upset because something is very wrong and I’m not leaving until we fix this

cat with calici

A Reader’s Forum article published by Laura Morrison on November 6, 2019 THIS IS SOME BAD STUFF IF YOU DON’T CATCH IT IN TIME. Beasley and Francisco just got diagnosed. ( sharing some of my experience. You have a higher chance to save them if you act early.) I found early on that kittens …

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