Domestic Cat to Wildcat Comparison and Changes

by Michael
(London, UK)

I recently wrote about how the domestic cat will change over the next thousand years. I was mainly thinking about the domestic cat’s cognitive abilities.

I would like now to look back and see how the domestic cat has changed since it was first believed to have been domesticated about 9,000 years ago. At the moment of domestication the African wildcat or the European wildcat was also a semi-domesticated cat attached to some households. The wildcat and the “domestic cat” were one and the same animal in terms of mental and physical characteristics.

Then the changes began. These have been subtle, however.

We only have to look at the appearance of the European wildcat today and compare it with a random bred, brown/grey tabby domestic cat to notice a very great similarity in appearance. You could actually mistake one for the other. It is the “wild look” that cat breeders treasure that marks the difference. This is one objective in Bengal cat breeders.

I refer to Linda P. Cases’s assessment of changes in her book pages 6 and 9-10, for which I thank her.

Domestic cat to Wildcat comparison – similarity evident
Wildcat photo: by Jonnee, Domestic by Colin+Alison Warner (both on Flickr)

Domestication involves the “breeding and containment” of a species. When a wildcat is contained and lives with humans, separated from the wild and ultimately selectively bred, it changes and becomes a “genetically distinct” species, over time. This results in it being classified as such by the scientists. The domestic cat is classified as felis catus while the European wildcat has the scientific name: felis silvestris silvestris.

The domesticated wildcat went from being semi-feral to semi-domesticated, thence to full domestication and now in many homes in America, a full-time indoor cat, totally removed from the earth and nature, with carpet replacing grass and cat furniture replacing trees to climb.

The changes in structure and behavior that have occurred in respect of the cat are typical of all domesticated animals.

The domestic cat is slightly smaller on average than the African wildcat. The muzzle has become foreshortened, Linda says. I am not actually sure if that is strictly correct. Some breeds have been bred with very short muzzles (Ultra Persian, no muzzle, health problems) but some have be bred for elongated muzzles (Modern Siamese and associated breeds). The random bred cat however, has a muzzle very similar to the wildcat. In fact it is stated that the wildcat has a comparatively flat face1.

Please note, by the way, that I refer to the species of wild cat called the “wildcat“. This is slightly confusing.

The domestic cat has a slightly larger head in relation to body, Linda says. The head is more domed and the teeth are smaller and there are less of them. The coat is softer and there is a wide variety of coat types many of which were developed through selective breeding of purebred cats. Purebred cats make up a small percentage of all domestic cats, however.

The changes in the cat have not been of the same order of those undergone by the dog.

Perhaps it goes without saying that the domestic cat is also born “tame”. It does not need to be tamed as would a wildcat. But this is only the case if it is born into domestication. Feral cats are born relatively wild but not wild in the sense that they are true wildcats. That said both true wildcats and feral cats can be tamed in equal measure and perhaps some individual wildcats of certain species might be more easily tamed than some individual feral cats. The American bobcat is fairly often tamed. The margay is another small wildcat that is meant to be a good domestic cat.

The interesting aspect of the domestic cat is that it can and does revert back to the wild. This can almost be like throwing a switch. Put them outside in the back garden (yard in the US) and the wildcat characteristics and mentality emerges. The domestic cat has not become completely dependent on the human. They can survive if returned to the wild, Linda suggests. This is partly true. It depends on the individual cat.

Rarely, some cats desire to revert to the wild. I am thinking of a ginger cat my late mother lived with. He disappeared to the golf course never to return. He lived wild for most of his life and returned at the end of his life, wild and worn out, to die shortly thereafter.

It could be argued that “the cat has undergone fewer physical changes due to domestication than other domesticated species”. The most obvious, as mentioned, is size reduction and increased coat type varieties.

The domestic cat has the same number of chromosomes as the wildcat (38 in 19 pairs). This means that they can mate, and mate they sometimes do, usually as part of a breeding program organised by humans. There are many wildcat hybrids. The Scottish wildcat genes have possibly been diluted by interbreeding with the domestic cat.

Both wild and domestic cats are seasonal breeders. However, the wildcat has one estrous cycle (in January or February – see serval cat reproduction – video) while the domestic cat has multiple cycles, called “polyestrus”. This ability to produce more offspring
is one factor in the overlarge feral cat populations. See also: Domestic cat reproduction and development.

Finally, domestic cats are kept in a state of perpetual kitten hood due to our relationship with them. Kneading our laps is one expression of this. We are their parents who constantly provide. They don’t get a chance to grow up. For the wildcat the route to adulthood is a tough and fraught road, peppered with danger. They grow up fast.

Michael Avatar


1. Wild Cats Of The World Mel and Fiona Sunquist page 86.

Domestic Cat to Wildcat Comparison and Changes to Wild Cat Species

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Domestic Cat to Wildcat Comparison and Changes

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Sep 01, 2010 A critique of the death of the moggie in capitalist society
by: Susie Bearder

Who would believe that the West and its relationship to its pets and or its love of consumerism including cat fur would be a possible socio-political subject but it is.
There is an imperative and a warning in such matters I think despite the humorous idea.
Taken to the ridiculous (or is it?) in P.D. James’ thought provoking book ‘Children of Men’ cats are becoming our children.

Aug 31, 2010 Couldn’t agree more
by: Michael

Hi Ruth, I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts. The beauty of the domestic cat is that they have retained the wild, the independence, their own character and behavior. It is still there somewhat hidden away.

You don’t need a wildcat hybrid to see the wildcat in the domestic cat – it’s right there in front of you, in the moggie. And that is beautful for me.

I wonder if it is as beautiful for the American people generally? A heavily commercial market place can suppress are admiration for nature. America is very commercial.

Michael Avatar

Aug 31, 2010 Interesting
by: Ruth

Thank you Michael for this very interesting article.
No matter how tame cats are they still have the wild streak in them and they very cleverly use it too.
One of our boyz Jozef, had a feral father and he is most definately a very clever cat who has the best of both worlds. In the house with us he is loving and soft and enjoys all that being domesticated brings. But he will sit on my foot and guard me against anyone he doesn’t know and outside he turns into a little wildcat, the neigbours dogs are terrified of him lol and he’s just a little creature !
Our other boy Walter, was born to totally domesticated parents but he still has the wildcat tendencies, if he catches a mouse, beware any other cat trying to take it from him !
I just love the mixture which cats are, it’s like the combination of eating a sweet and sour meal, never boring.
I love that cats are not ‘yes men’ and can sometimes be a bit unpredictable and that they know they have us right where they want us, as their willing servants.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 31, 2010 Interesting
by: Hi Susie

Thanks for your comment because it adds to the article. I always like to understand more about how other countries relate to their domestic cats.

And from what you say, Spain has a different attitude to cats.

The attitude seems to be similar to what was happening in the UK about 40 years ago. Or have I got that wrong? They have had a reckless attitude to ultra rare Iberian Lynx a lovely medium sized wildcat that is almost extinct in the wild. It was recklessly hunted.

Back in those days in the UK and USA I expect, neutering was far less common and a lot of domestic cats were semi-domestic if you like, eating human scraps. The cat food market has grown massively since.

Thanks again Susie.

Michael Avatar

It seems that the

Aug 30, 2010 Rescued cats
by: Susie Bearder

That was a really interesting round up of the basic differences and a timely reminder to me on two counts.
Firstly, I have had rescued cats for so long I am not sure what the norm is for the domestic cat.

Secondly the attitude to cats in Spain and in rural Spain in particular is probably in-your-face different.

Rarely when we go to our Spanish vet are there cats in for treatment in comparison to the fashion for portable dogs i.e. flat living, bag carried, train and plane travelling pure breds.

Cats are not usually neutered – actually rarely are dogs.

Cats are meant to catch their own dinner and thus are put on bread and milk after mum has stopped feeding.

Town cats wander around and various people will put out the strangest array of food so they survive. Consequently the variety of cat is enormous. (The cats in the Canary islands tend to be of the very long leg variety.)

5 thoughts on “Domestic Cat to Wildcat Comparison and Changes”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree about some things, but I am not sure I agree about domestic cats. I think as a species they won: unlike many of their wild relatives, they are not only aren’t facing extinction but are thriving. Sure there are too many of them, but this is the whole point of surviving as a species. And then when Scottish wildcats interbreed with domestics, domestic blood wins at the end (maybe because domestic queens are more often in heat and give birth more often).

    BTW – there are absolutely beautiful videos of European wildcats in their natural surroundings on you tube. You can find it there by simply searching for “European wildcat 1” and “European wildcat 2” on you tube.

  3. It’s an old article but regarding “That said both true wildcats and feral cats can be tamed in equal measure and perhaps some individual wildcats of certain species might be more easily tamed than some individual feral cats. ”

    FYI: some species of wildcat can be easily tamed but not others. For example, African wildcats from which our cats originated are easily tamed, so are Servals, but European wildcats and Scottish wildcats are notoriously difficult to tame even when bottle fed. Scottish wildcat kittens would be biting, hissing and spitting as early as 10 days; even bottle fed they remain this way. Sure, some individual occasionally may be tamed – there was a case with 2 European wildcat kittens that were left motherless shortly after birth – a boy and a girl. A boy was still blind and a girl opened her eyes. The boy grew up tame, but the girl remained spitfire all her life. But in general European and Scottish wildcats while very close genetically to our cats and would interbreed with domestics in nature are near-impossible to tame.

    • Thanks Kitty. Yes, the Scottish wildcat has a reputation for being particularly wild and impossible to tame. I love that. I don’t think any wild cat species should be tamed. I say leave them all alone and let them be themselves, wild and free. I have doubts about the whole concept of the domestication of the wildcat. I think it is a failure because humans have messed it up.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. By the way the article is older than dated. The date refers to the time the website was transferred to a new hosting company. It was written about 3 years ago.


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