Chemical composition of effective dry cat food attractant, palatability enhancer

Chemical composition of effective dry cat food attractant, palatability enhancer

This is a very technical article. It is all about chemistry. It is basically a chemistry lesson. Ninety-nine percent of the population will stop at this point and move on. 😎 But this is very relevant to dry cat food as it is so artificial. It’s sort of like pieces of flavourless protein blocks …

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Do domestic cats like the taste of salt? Plus info on flavour and odour enhancers.

Do domestic cats like the taste of salt?

The internet provides discombobulated information on this topic! For example, the website Excited Cats tells me that cats like salt. They like the taste of it they say. And of course, a modicum of salt (sodium chloride) is necessary for body functions. I’m not sure that they are right that cats like salt because …

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