WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT ends ALL primate testing and breeding at FDA’s monkey lab

WCW close US government funded monkey business

In another stunning success the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has achieved yet another victory in closing the FDA’s biggest monkey lab, the National Centre for Toxicological Research (NCTR), which ended all primate testing and breeding. At the time of WCW’s campaign against this waste of American taxpayer dollars and animal cruelty, NCTR experimentation …

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White Coat Waste Project pressured Biden administration into defunding Russian animal experiments

America's funding of Russian animal experiments has ended

I had no idea. I’m sure the same applies to almost everybody else. America was sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to Russia to conduct cruel animal experiments on cats and dogs. It has not been explained to me as yet why the American government sent US$770,000 of taxpayers’ money to Russia to conduct …

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Do leopards eat monkeys?

Leopard hunts a baby monkey

Yes, leopards eat monkeys but it depends on where the leopard is living. They have an enormous distribution, the largest of all the wild cat species. In “some forested areas leopards take a surprisingly large number of monkeys”1. This should not surprise us because leopards catch prey opportunistically, killing vulnerable animals wherever they are …

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