Cat, man or woman? Scarlet Blake the cat-torturing murderer

Cat, man or woman? - Scarlet Blake

OPINION: You can take your pick in the modern world on whether Scarlet Blake, the notorious, transgender cat-torturing man-murderer is a woman, a man or even a cat. Yes, she self-identified as a cat and the police confirmed that she had a cat microchip inserted in her chest. The police checked with a microchip …

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Scarlet Blake sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for her torture and killing of a cat

Scarlet Blake in prison

News media reports that the judge at Scarlet Blake’s sentencing trial has imposed concurrent two and four-month sentences relating to the cat killing. She received a 24-year prison sentence for killing a man without parole. It’s not clear to me why the sentencing for the cat killing is in two parts. Perhaps it relates …

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Scarlet Blake’s former partner in the US, Ashlynn Bell, should be investigated for aiding and abetting murder

Scarlet Blake police mugshot

NEWS AND OPINION: Scarlet Blake is all over the newspapers and has been for a little while because she committed that famous double act namely killing an animal first and then killing a human afterwards. It’s quite a common behaviour of murderers. They warm up with an animal killing – often a cat as …

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Video of alleged cat torturer and man murderer walking the streets looking for a victim

Prosecution at Scarlet Blake's murder trial claim this is CCTV footage released by Thames Valley police of her walking the streets looking for a 'victim'. Human or cat or both?

You may have heard about Scarlet Blake who is currently the defendant in a murder trial in the UK for the killing of Jorge Martin Carreno in Oxford. The man was allegedly chosen at random as she had no connection with him. And also, for animal cruelty in the alleged torture and killing of …

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