Tiger stripes are unique to each tiger and excellent camouflage. INFOGRAPHIC.

For many the high contrast orange and black striped coat of the tiger looks like bad camouflage. How could nature have evolved this highly visible coat as camouflage? The infographic succinctly explains. Below it is some more detail. Yes, that’s correct! Each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes, much like human fingerprints. These …

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Why do tigers have stripes?

Tiger stripes

Tigers’s have stripes for camouflage to allow them to approach prey animals as closely as possible to improve kill rates. Although, it’s quite a subtle question because although we know that tiger stripes act as camouflage, tigers might have evolved to have spots rather than stripes. Leopards have spots as do jaguars. This is …

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Do tigers have stripes on their skin?

Tiger fur pattern in skin

Yes, tigers do have stripes on their skin. The stripes are actually “in” and “on” the skin. This is because, as I understand it, even when a tiger’s fur has been shaved there remains a small segment of hair shaft inside the hair follicle (and just above it), embedded into the skin. This hair …

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Tiger stripes – some detailed information

Tiger stripes

There are three main types of variation in tiger appearance: body size, striping patterns and the coloration of the skin and skull characteristics. This post is about tiger stripes. The ground colour of tigers’s skins (pelages) varies from dark red to pale yellow. It reflects their habitat and the humidity of the area where …

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