Success factors in human-raised tigers reintroduced into the wild. Infographic.

Here is an infographic which touches on a couple of essential factors in the successful reintroduction into the wild of tiger cubs orphaned in the wild and hand-raised by conservationists. And below is some more information to support the infographic which by necessity is a highly compressed summary of the process. I start with …

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Putin’s PR stunt with a Siberian tiger caused the tiger’s death

Putin fits a tracker to the over tranquillised Siberian tiger that died when returned to a zoo

We know that Putin is obsessed with looking like a macho man. It is part of his attempts to look like a strong, imperialist leader. And he has taken many opportunities to polish this image such as riding horseback topless and playing with big cats. He’s said to be an animal lover but is …

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Amur leopard and Amur tiger filmed walking along the same track in Russian reserve

Amur leopard

Unique footage using 40 hidden cameras has captured an Amur leopard and an Amur tiger walking along the same track in search of prey. They say that one is covering the tracks of the other. However, the Amur leopard is going to avoid a confrontation with the tiger. They will use what I call …

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Inbreeding of wild cats can lead to extinctions in the wild due to unviable population sizes

Siberian tiger cub septuplets born in captivity

I feel that humankind is gradually approaching the time when we could argue that the inbreeding of some wild cat species might effectively extinguish them in the wild. Through human activity we have brought many wild cat species to their knees. The classic causes are habitat loss and direct persecution such as poaching for …

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Are there Siberian tigers in China?

Siberian Tiger

The Siberian tiger (Amur tiger) distribution includes the northeastern tip of China at my last reckoning. Therefore historically Siberian tigers are in China. However, there is an interesting story in The Times newspaper today (Didi Tang), Tuesday, April 27, 2021, about a Siberian tiger that went on the rampage in a Chinese village. They …

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