House Plants Safe For Cats

House plants safe for cats is the opposite to house plants toxic to cats, obviously. I have built a page about plants poisonous to cats in general. Today, 17th Nov. 2010, I thought that it would be easier for visitors if I simply listed a short selection of popular house plants that we know …

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Antidote to Paracetamol Poisoning in Cats

There is an antidote to paracetamol poisoning in cats. Some people take overdoses of paracetamol. An antidote has been developed and is available at (some?) hospitals. Cats are not that infrequently poisoned, either deliberately or accidentally. A cat might chew on a paracetamol tablet if it is left lying around. Painkillers for humans should …

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Accidental Ways To Kill A Cat

Furby and Lola say practice safe laundry Furby on the washing machine Always check INSIDE the dryer Today I received an email from a friend who did the unthinkable. She killed her one year old cat. It wasn’t intentional. Her cat did what a lot of exploring cats do and climbed into her clothes …

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