Telepathy allows pet owners to understand what their companion animal thinks

The need to touch and be in contact with their human caregiver is a sign that your cat loves you

Companion animal owners want to know what their pet thinks. They can find out through telepathy according to Nikki Vasconez but is this genuine? There appears to be an instinctive (primal) desire by many companion animal caregivers to communicate more profoundly. It can be done according to a former lawyer, Nikki Vasconez, who provides …

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Can a person who doesn’t like cats ever love one? How can they learn to love cats?

Learning to like cats when you are a confirmed dog lover

The answer to the first question in the title (plucked from social media) must be an unequivocal, yes. Over the years that I have been managing this website, I have bumped into many instances of “dog people” and people who frankly disliked cats, falling in love with a cat that they ultimately adopted perhaps …

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