Women more likely than men to employ baby talk towards puppy-eyed dogs

Puppy eyes are very enticing and they elicit baby talk in women but not men

Puppy dog eyes are more effective in getting women to become maternal and speak baby talk than men, according to a study in which scientists analysed men’s and women’s voices when responding to pictures of dogs with variable-sized eyes. Dogs and babies are more likely to respond to baby talk in women by the …

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Telepathy allows pet owners to understand what their companion animal thinks

The need to touch and be in contact with their human caregiver is a sign that your cat loves you

Companion animal owners want to know what their pet thinks. They can find out through telepathy according to Nikki Vasconez but is this genuine? There appears to be an instinctive (primal) desire by many companion animal caregivers to communicate more profoundly. It can be done according to a former lawyer, Nikki Vasconez, who provides …

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Revisiting the “two talking cats” video and understanding what they are saying

Two talking cats. What are they talking about?

The truly unique “two talking cats” video on YouTube has been seen 103 million times which is unsurprising. Or perhaps it might be fair to say that it’s unique to capture on video cats talking to themselves like this. It possibly happens from time to time but it must be extremely rare. But what …

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Language is the biggest communication barrier between human and cat, not the cat’s intelligence

Language is the biggest barrier in the human-to-cat relationship not intelligence

I’ve been thinking about the fact that people relate to their domestic cat companion as a child and as a member of the family but accept the fact that they can’t communicate with their cat as they would a child. If only we could communicate with language to our cats, how much better the …

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The cat’s meow and talkative cat breeds

Female cat's meow is like music

This is a brief discussion on the well-known domestic cat’s meow and talkative cat breeds. You will see some websites proclaiming confidently that certain cat breeds are more talkative than others but I wouldn’t be so certain. Often it is an individual cat trait and it also depend a lot on the relationship between …

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