How do you become a cat person?

How do you become a ‘cat person'.

To put the question another way: “How does one become a cat lover”. I’ll try and answer the question. The thoughts of others are always welcome. Nature/Nuture Fundamentally, you become a cat person partly because you inherited a love of cats or probably a love of animals generally and partly because of your life …

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Can a person who doesn’t like cats ever love one? How can they learn to love cats?

Learning to like cats when you are a confirmed dog lover

The answer to the first question in the title (plucked from social media) must be an unequivocal, yes. Over the years that I have been managing this website, I have bumped into many instances of “dog people” and people who frankly disliked cats, falling in love with a cat that they ultimately adopted perhaps …

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Between 30% and 50% of partners prefer their pet to their partner

Up to 50% women or men prefer their pet to their partner

You will see various statistics on this topic. All are interesting and perhaps a little shocking. My quick research indicated that between about 30% and about 50% of people in a relationship with another person prefer their cat or dog companion compared to their human partner. One website’s article from 2022 refers to a …

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Man asks AITA for telling girlfriend to give her cats to a shelter. Response: YTA.

Man asks AITA for demanding that his gf gives up her cats if she lives with him

Scenario: This is about the impossibility of an ailurophile living with an ailurophobe! Man gets good job and wants to buy a house. His brother will live with him. Both hate cats. His girlfriend loves cats and has 2. He tells her that she will have to give the cats to a shelter if …

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Meta’s research on cat and dog people

Yesterday was International Cat Day 2022 and in honour of this day, I’m going to refer to Meta’s research on cat and dog people, which was conducted on August 7, 2016, one day before International Cat Day 2016. Facebook is in an enviable position when it comes to analysing people because they have billions …

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Cat person rescued a puppy on the roadside and became a cat and dog person

Larry being taken to his forever home

The story unfolds on the woman’s Twitter webpage. Her Twitter username is Tegan G. We don’t have her real name. She works for the Marine Corps in, apparently, the public affairs department. She lives in North Wisconsin, USA. She was driving to work along a rural road. It’s a road that she takes twice …

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What type of person likes cats?

What sort of person likes cats?

“Artists like cats; soldiers like dogs.” Cat lovers and and those who like cats tend to be female. And they have a personality bias towards independent thought and behaviour. This is a meeting of minds between cat and human. A group organised society is alien to domestic cats while a dog’s life revolves around …

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