Amazing video: cat copies her owner’s complex movements

Japanese dog trainer trains her cat to carry out complex movements

Although we know that cats can be trained to do things, in this video you will see a charming cat copying their owner carrying out some relatively complex movements. The owner demonstrates the movement that she wants her cat to do and then asked her cat to do it. The cat carried out the …

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Do cats understand “No”?

Saying No to a cat does no work as expected or as desired

Domestic cats don’t understand “No”. However, they will understand that you are making a certain sound in a stern voice. You’re using a stern voice because you want your cat to stop doing something which displeases you. You may even shout or raise your voice. You want to drill the message home into your …

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Pavlov’s cat is alive and well

Pavlov's cat alive and well

You have probably heard of Pavlov’s dog experiments on classical conditioning. At a simplistic level they proved dogs (and other animals) can be conditioned (trained) to respond to certain stimuli. This amusing video on the Daily Mail website shows us a cat version. They are conditioned to jump up when they hear the sound …

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How can I tell my cat that I am his boss and he needs to obey me?

Obedient cat

Lesley on asks how she might be able to ensure that her cat relates to her as the boss and that he’s obedient towards her. Misplaced It’s an interesting question. Without being critical of Lesley, it’s a misplaced question. She doesn’t want to be her cat’s boss. That’s not the kind of relationship …

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