INFOGRAPHIC on ‘train a cat to stay off the counter’

Training a cat to stay off the counter

There is an understandable desire by many cat owners to keep their cat companion off the kitchen counter. If this troubles you then the best way forward is through positive reinforcement training. You might be aware of that. The short Infographic on this page explains what I mean and is one example of how …

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Can cats get toxoplasmosis from drinking unpasteurized milk?

Farm cat about to drink some unpasteurised cow's milk which might expose them to a T. gondii infection

Yes, cats can get toxoplasmosis from drinking unpasteurised milk. This is interesting because it still remains the case that in many countries people think that the domestic cat will enjoy a saucer of milk and sometimes it will be unpasteurised. Cow’s milk is not ideal for domestic cats as estimates suggest that a significant …

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Captive Pallas’s cats die of toxoplasmosis

Pallas's Cat

China’s first artificial bred Pallas’s cat dies: In a recent report from China, Sundaniang, the country’s first artificially bred Pallas’s cat (aka manul), died in Qinghai Park. Sundaniang was known for her contribution to scientific research on artificial reproduction and had become a beloved figure through her livestreamed daily activities. She was born on …

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Review study by Australians is intended to denigrate the domestic cat

Toxoplasma gondii cyst in mouse brain.

This is my opinion. I form my opinion from many years of reading these reports. I have noticed a trend: Australian scientists looking for ways to criticise the domestic cat for carrying the zoonotic disease toxoplasmosis. From time to time, Australian scientists like to get together to hatch a plan to denigrate the domestic …

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Is it okay to lick my cat?

Woman licks her cat as she wants to behavior like a true cat mom

Is the question relevant to our lives? People ask it nonetheless. But frankly it is almost irrelevant. However, exceedingly rarely some cat owners do lick their cat and an avowed and self-declared crazy cat lady does it all the time because she wants to behave like a true mother cat caring for her newborn …

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Is toxoplasmosis a serious problem for humans?

Toxoplasma parasite engages in 'identity theft' of immune cell to travel around the host's body

There is a disconnect between what we read about the seriousness of toxoplasmosis as stated on the Internet and what we experience in real life. Nobody is screaming and shouting about the damaging effect of toxoplasmosis on the human population in any area of the world. But if you believe what you read on …

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Wily toxoplasma parasite hijacks immune cells to travel around the host

Toxoplasma parasite engages in 'identity theft' of immune cell to travel around the host's body

I have had to interpret a very complicated study on the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite published on the Cell Host & Microbe website. But it is an interesting study if you take the time to try and interpreted as a lay person i.e., non-scientific person because this parasitic disease is very important in the …

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Domestic cats overly criticised for their role as hosts of Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma gondii

The life-cycle of Toxoplasma gondii is complicated. People tend to oversimplify it. They see the domestic cat infecting humans with this protozoan parasite which is about the extent of general knowledge. It isn’t that simple; far from it. This article sets out to redress the balance and to mention an interesting study on a …

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