See cute wildcat kittens recently born in the wild in the Cairngorms

Two cute wildcat kittens born in the wild with their mom

Wildlife conservationists have heralded the birth of wildcat kittens in Cairngorms National Park. You’ll see two cute kittens with their mother in the video. We are told they were born in the wild. It looks great and one needs to be positive but on a realistic note are these purebred Scottish wildcats with a …

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Making the Scottish wildcat purebred again by de-introgression (infographic)

Restoring the Scottish wildcat through de-introgression

I think this story very much lends itself to an infographic as the technique described for attempting to restore the hybridized Scottish wildcat to its pure former pure self is essentially straightforward although technically it is a very tricky process that might not work satisfactorily. In order to be a success, it has to …

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Fact check ‘the last wildcat in England was shot in 1835’

Wildcat in Scotland

RELATED: Information about the hybridisation of the Scottish wildcat There was a story on the Internet that the last wildcat in England was shot in 1835. I repeated it on this website. But the information seems very doubtful. There appears to be no hard evidence of it. I have conducted quite a thorough search …

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News roundup on the rewilding in the UK of wildcats

Scottish wildcat in the highlands of Scotland

There appears to be a concerted effort to rewild the UK with the wildcat which is probably extinct throughout the UK although some think that the wildcat is still present in very small numbers (400?) but others think those cats are wildcat x domestic/feral cat hybrids and the wildcat is extinct in the UK. …

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History of the domestic cat living side by side with the wildcat in Britain (and Northern Europe)

Wildcats introduced into the Cairngorms region of Scotland

Domestic cats have been in Britain for around at least 2,000 years and based on genetic analysis their ancestors were the Near Eastern wildcat (North African wildcat) which is now regarded as common knowledge. I had thought that the Romans brought domestic cats to Britain in around 200 AD but it appears to be …

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Information about the hybridisation of the Scottish wildcat

Scottish wildcat

We know that the Scottish wildcat is either already extinct or heading towards extinction in the wild and in captivity because purebred Scottish wildcats have been mating with domestic and stray or feral cats particularly over the past 60 years creating hybrids which are half purebred Scottish wildcat and half domestic cats. They look …

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Scottish wildcat is ‘genomically extinct’ as there are no purebred Scottish wildcats in 2023

Scottish wildcat

A recent study has once again looked at the concerning situation regarding the extinction of the Scottish wildcat which is actually a European wildcat living in Scotland. About 15 years ago scientists knew that the Scottish wildcat was near extinction because of hybridisation with domestic and feral cats in Scotland. Acceleration of wildcats mating …

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