The domestic tabby cat is the spitting image of the black-footed cat but the similarity ends there

The domestic tabby cat is the spitting image of the black-footed cat but the similarity ends there

Although some domestic tabby cats can be accomplished hunters, at their best they will be feeble compared to the black-footed cat which bears a close resemblance to their domesticated cousin. The similarity in appearance is remarkable as illustrated by the picture below. People complain about indoor/outdoor domestic cats killing wildlife. Fair enough. But in …

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3 wild cats you’ve never heard of with particular skills

Newman the sand cat at San Diego Zoo

If you are up to scratch on your wild cat species, you might have heard of this trio. Two are small, about the size of a domestic cat, while the third is medium-sized. The video comes from San Diego Zoo. The lady who provides the voice-over has, I think, made quite a nice selection …

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Is the black-footed cat dangerous to humans?

Black-footed cat

Despite the impressive reputation that this diminutive wild cat species has for its hunting prowess, high activity and fearless behaviour, it is not dangerous to humans in terms of causing serious harm for the simple reason that it is too small. To the best of my knowledge, there have been no serious attacks by …

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The outstanding hunting success and high energy activities of the black-footed cat

Black-footed cat

Alex Sliwa is the go-to man on the hunting activities of this highly successful, small wild cat species. We are told that pretty well everything we know about this cat species comes from Alex Sliwa and his detailed observations. I’m picking out some of the salient points as I see them. We know, that …

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Fierce black-footed cat – the most successful feline predator

Black-footed cat great hunter

The Fierce Black-footed cat – is it? Yes, it definitely is. I was casually reading the March/April 2010 edition of the Feline Conservation Federation magazine and happened upon the article of Robert Johnson about tracking the Black-footed cat. Yes, this article has been checked and republished 12 years later. He was speaking to Beryl …

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Black-footed cat distribution 2022

Black-footed cat great hunter

This page was first written in 2009. I have decided to update it. It is now upgraded to the current date at the time of writing this namely 2022 (I have projected forward several days 😉). As the years roll by the distribution of this small wildcat species will shrink almost inevitably. The page …

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Which wild cat is the best hunter?

The black-footed cat is arguably the best hunter of all the wild cats. They are incredibly active and highly successful hunters. They can make one hunting attempt every 30 minutes. Their success rate is 60%. A male was seen to catch 12 rodents in three and a half hours. During a normal night’s hunting …

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