What are the most attractive cat species?

Sand cat is one of the most attractive cat species

I think I’d better start this discussion by clarifying what a ‘cat species’ is. There are around 37 cat species. The number depends on how you classify them (taxonomy) and there is still some discussion on that topic. All bar one are wild cats. One of the species or subspecies is the domestic cat …

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3 wild cats you’ve never heard of with particular skills

Newman the sand cat at San Diego Zoo

If you are up to scratch on your wild cat species, you might have heard of this trio. Two are small, about the size of a domestic cat, while the third is medium-sized. The video comes from San Diego Zoo. The lady who provides the voice-over has, I think, made quite a nice selection …

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When and where was the sand cat discovered?

Sand cat discovered in 1856 by Victor Loche who described the species in this book.

The sand cat was discovered in 1856 by Captain Victor Loche at Ngouca in the sand dunes of eastern Algeria near the Libyan border. He was on an 1856-1857 French expedition to the Algerian section of the Sahara. He was listing and describing the mammals and birds of the area for the book Catalogue …

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Sand cat has a home range of up to 1,758 square kilometers

Sand Cat

A study has come to the astonishing conclusion that the diminutive sand cat, about the size of a small domestic cat at 7.5 pounds, has an enormous home range in Morocco. Or, perhaps, it doesn’t have a home range at all and is nomadic. Either way the revelation is extraordinary. In Morocco female sand …

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Sand cat range – where you can find this cat 2022

Sand cat

This page has been updated on May 15, 2022. You need to do this with articles about the distribution of any animal because it changes. Below this section there is information about the distribution of the sand cat as at 2009. I have retained it as an archive and because it’s interesting to compare. …

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