FIV cats colloidal silver (2022)

Colloidal silver for pets

Reviewing the page January 2022: Please read everything below the line on this page in the light of this long introduction which is an updating and amending section for this article on treating FIV cats with colloidal silver. The text below the line below was written about 12 years ago. THERE ARE SOME PAGES …

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Can FIV positive cats go outside?

FIV cat

Physically, of course, FIV-positive cats can go outside. This is a moral question more than anything else. It’s a question about protecting other cats who are FIV-negative. If you let a FIV-positive cat go outside they may pass the disease to a FIV-negative cat. Although transmission isn’t that easy. Close or casual contact alone …

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How Do Cats Get AIDS?

stray cat Timmy

The answer is relatively straightforward although the best book on cat health1 doesn’t provide a definitive and confident answer. There is some uncertainty on transmission. And that also applies to the Cornell website. The FIV virus is shed in saliva. Therefore Cat bites are a source of transmission of the virus which causes AIDS …

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Modern Treatments for FIV, FeLV and FIP

Today I’d like to discuss promising new medical breakthroughs in treating FIV, FeLV and FIP in cats. While the new medications aren’t a cure, they do buy an infected cat some time, as well as improve their quality of life. I’m especially excited about a breakthrough in FIP. More on that later. FIV = …

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