Minoxidil hair growth treatment is highly toxic to cats. Infographic.

Minoxidil is a hair growth product for people. Usually, men I suspect. That might in itself be useful knowledge because single men are less likely to be the caregiver of a domestic cat than a single woman but nonetheless, humans have a propensity to make mistakes. It is a human trait. No matter how …

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Are shower diffusers safe for cats?

Benefits and advantages of essential oils for humans and potential disadvantages for cats

The answer to the question in the title is yes and no as the response depends on variable factors. Please read on. My research indicates that there is a potential problem with essential oil diffusers generally in regards to pets. The information comes from the respected ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center and Cats Protection. …

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Apple AirTag to track your indoor/outdoor cat or dog

Apple AirTag cat collar

The Apple AirTag is a device which is designed to allow people to find lost objects such as keys. It is, as usual, a beautifully made product and it both links with your Apple smartphone through Bluetooth and also on a much wider scale through a network of other Apple smartphone users. This is …

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Triclosan is harmful to cats although it is used in products for human use (2023)

As an ingredient in household products for human use it is unsafe to have if you have pets particularly cats

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent present in some consumer products such as: toothpaste, soap, detergent, toys, and surgical cleaning treatments. It is used in products for humans. This article was first published in 2012. It has been checked and updated. The information remains relevant more than 10 years later. But Triclosan is …

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