Trend towards cat confinement is misguided. Infographic

Trend towards cat confinement is misguided. Infographic.

OPINION: This is a controversial topic. A well-debated topic which arouses passions. I have my personal views. They are stated in a succinct way in the infographic below. It is about reality and fairness. Do we want to remain blind to human excesses which all the experts confirm are causing remarkable and devastating damage …

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Completely crackers to suggest cats should be kept indoors

Completely crackers to suggest cats should be kept indoors

The headline comes from the Yorkshire Post in an article written by Sarah Todd but as I can’t access the article as it is only available to subscribers, I have decided to nick the title and write it myself. I can actually guess where she is coming from: domestic cat welfare. Whether it is …

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Friends arguing over how to care for cats

Friends arguing over how to care for cats!

I’ve tried to keep the title very short for search engine optimisation reasons and I hope you understand what I’m trying to get at. In case you haven’t what I mean is this: if two people are longterm friends and they are both cat caregivers and one of them lets their cat(s) outside unsupervised …

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Poland’s animal shelters insist adopters keep their cats inside full-time and neighbours spy on them to make sure they do!

In Poland shelter adopted cats must be kept indoors

I was at the barbers today to have what hair I have left trimmed 🙂 . As usual for the UK, the hairdresser was Polish (sometimes they are Albanian or Hungarian). And she was a woman. Most Polish hairdressers in the UK are women it seems. They are all good hairdressers. But we never …

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Minimising wet cat food waste

My cat Gabriel

I have several pages on minimising wet cat food waste. One concerns ensuring that your cat eats all the wet cat food provided. Click here if that interests you. The method is presented in an infographic. This is another ‘tip’. Although I confess that I am not a great fan of giving tips. It …

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Time to check our cats’ skin as climate change is blamed for growth in tick diseases

Tick on cat

This is an underreported but a serious matter which I think should concern cat owners. The problem is that the ectoparasite, the tick, carries zoonotic diseases which they transfer to cats and dogs when they feed on the host animal. And these are serious diseases. The best known is Lyme disease. About a dozen …

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4 Australian cat owner attitudes to domestic cat containment or freedom to roam

A catio improves a cat's personality

My understanding of this study (see base of page) is that there are four reasons why Australian cat owners keep their cats inside their home. And there are five different ways of owning a cat in terms of containing them inside the home or allowing them outside. Australians have the highest domestic cat containment …

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When it is time to admit failure and rehome your cat

Old male cat screams all the time when living in a one-bedroom apartment and the female owner is at the end of her tether

There is a woman on the website who is completely at the end of her tether. She hates the cat that she adopted. She had waited all her life to adopt a cat of her own. When she finally bought her own one-bedroomed flat on the second floo she adopted an older male …

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