Jaguarundi sighting in western Massachusetts

Escaped pet jaguarundi in western Massachusetts

I recently received an interesting email from John Goodnough who lives in western Massachusetts, USA. His email is immediately below, word for word. John is a thoughtful person and in my view his conclusions are correct. My response to his email is set out below John’s. Hi, I live in western Massachusetts. I have …

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Video of albino jaguarundi rescued in Colombia where it will live in a sanctuary

Albino jaguarundi cub in Colombia

Sometimes, the people of Colombia visit PoC for which I’m grateful. As I say, the people living in 86% of the world’s countries visit PoC to varying degrees at varying times, which is why I decided to see if I can find anything about domestic cats in Colombia. I was entirely unsuccessful! Obviously, there …

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Jaguarundi – a comprehensive and fully illustrated page

Jaguarundi in captivity

Overview: The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) is the most common wild cat in South and Central America. It can be tamed and is widely distributed. In has been a difficult wild cat to scientifically classify. It looks more like a marten that a cat (see a nice camera trap photograph). It is the only South …

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What does ‘tigrillo’ mean?

Jaguarundi in Peru

“Tigrillo” can mean at least two things! It can mean a high-energy coastal breakfast from South America with a bite made with green plantains. It is a traditional breakfast recipe from Ecuador. But note the word “bite” in that sentence. The word ‘tigrillo’ to describe this breakfast meal has been borrowed, I would argue, …

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