The story of the new taxonomic classification of the ‘clouded tiger-cat’

Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the 'clouded tiger-cat'

The experts have concluded after careful analysis that there is a new subspecies of Oncilla on the planet and they’ve called it the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This story is about the reclassification taxonomically of an existing species of small wild cat so that it has been ‘carved out’ of an existing classification when it was …

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Criminals shouldn’t live with a cat or dog as their hairs might link them to a crime

Using cat and dog hair to convict criminals

Criminals should take note of this research. The advice is that criminals should not live with a cat because DNA testing on cat hairs might lead to a cat owning criminal being convicted for a crime at a property or other place where they leave behind cat/dog hairs. Scenario I can think of one …

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