Dick Whittington. Myth and reality.

Dick Whittington

Dick Whittington neither had a cat nor was he born poor 💕😉. The news story that the Christopher Wren church in London where Dick Whittington (1354-1423) was buried (and possibly his cat) is to be sold off resulted in a backlash from many quarters and it prompted a Times journalist, Ben Macintyre, to review …

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Pittsburgh ‘Refrigerator Cat’

1901 refrigerator cats

No, I’m not referring to domestic cats would like to open refrigerator doors and creep inside to either ‘steal’ the food for have a snooze, I’m referring to a special race of domestic cat living in sub-zero temperatures in industrial-sized refrigerator plants at the turn of the 20th century (late 1800s to early 1900s). …

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Japanese folk-myth ‘bakeneko’ – reason why Japanese Bobtail is popular in Japan

Bakeneko cat with a long tail split into two

Dr. Desmond Morris makes an interesting statement in his book Cat World. He writes about the Japanese Bobtail and says that the popularity of this short-tailed cat in Japan is partly due to the fact that there is a Japanese folk myth called a ‘bakeneko’ which warns that long-tailed cats can change into human …

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Freya’s Cats

Freya's cats

Freya is part of Viking history and a Norse goddess of war, love and sex. She was one of the most beautiful women in the cosmos with her blue-eyes and blonde hair. She travelled in a chariot drawn through the heavens by a pair of magnificent cats. Why were cats pulling her chariot? These …

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10 debunked myths about domestic cats

Myths and facts regarding the cat

Introduction: I have specified “domestic cats” in the title for a reason. Domestic cats have different characters to their wildcat ancestors. Although there is an overlap and great similarities, with respect to the topics in this article there are differences which you can pick up in the 10-point list below. Domestic cats are solitary …

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What is the Cactus Cat?

Catus Cat

The Cactus Cat is not a domestic cat that likes to perch on top of one of those beautiful American cactuses that you see in the wilderness (and I have seen a cat doing that by the way) but a legendary cat created by the frontiersman of the American West in the 19th century …

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Myth of big cats roaming Dartmoor since the late 1970’s may be true after several dogs mauled

big cat pawprint

The myth of big cats roaming Dartmoor may be true after all. If so, the cats may have migrated to Cornwall, a county on the southwestern coast of Devon in the UK. The myth It’s believed by some that back in 1978 three pumas were released into the wilds of Dartmoor. Mary Chipperfield owned …

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