Do cats miss their owners?

Smiling cat

Web surfers ask “do cats miss their owners?” You’d think that there was no need to ask this question because cats are sentient beings with emotions who form friendships with other cats and humans. If a cat owner is good and has formed a strong relationship with their cat, which is the norm, then …

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My Elderly Cat Has Become Obsessively Affectionate

This is an interesting example of what can happen to elderly cats. In this instance an 18-year-old male cat who was always affectionate become almost totally deaf and as a consequence he became even more affectionate; excessively so, according to his caretaker. He would constantly rub his mouth against his human companion’s hands and …

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Cats Home Alone

We should be aware of what our cat gets up to when alone at home. The video below is a tough one to watch. There is no violence, just nothing but transparent loneliness and obvious separation anxiety. Heartbreaking. I was reading about a British, Channel 4 television program1. It concluded that an estimated one …

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