EU advises a period of darkness every day for breeding cats and dogs

Breeding male cat in darkness as recommended by the EFSA to ensure that they maintain their circadian rhythm

The Commission of the European Union commissioned one of their agencies, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to produce a scientific report on the welfare of cats and dogs in commercial breeding premises destined for sport, hunting and as companion animals. They addressed several issues including the housing of the cats and dogs and …

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If 1 cat year is 7 human years, does a cat feel alone for 70 hours while you are at work?

If one cat year is seven human years, cats feel like they have been left alone for 70 hours while you are at work for 10 hours?

The commonly held belief is that one cat year is the equivalent of seven human years. That’s not quite accurate as this simple formula has been refined over the years. The formula isn’t “linear” (click for a good discussion on this). But for the sake of this short discussion let’s assume that one cat …

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Are cats good or bad for human sleep?

Sleeping with 2 cats

An alternative question might be: “Do cat companions disturb human sleep?” And having spent a good while looking at research and articles on this topic, there is no clear answer to the question in the title disappointingly. Falling back on personal experience I have to confess that my cat does indeed disturb my sleep …

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