Welsh of African descent avoid green spaces to protect against dog attacks

Free-roaming dog in Welsh countryside

The Welsh government commissioned a report on racism in the context of climate change, environment and rural affairs. And the devolved Labour administration in Cardiff, Wales, commissioned studies from five community groups which it funded with the objective of creating “an anti-racist nation” by 2030. One of these organisations is the North Wales Africa …

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“Sit”. How dogs trained humans to speak at their speed. Same applies to cats and babies.

How dogs trained us to speak more slowly to them

NEWS AND OPINION: Adult human speak more slowly to babies, dogs and cats. I’m referring here to a recently published research paper on the Plos One website (PLOS BIOLOGY), which has been reported in The Times newspaper. The core conclusion is one that we readily recognise and find unsurprising namely that we speak more …

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4 reasons why police dogs should be phased out. Infographic.

Phase out police dogs says PETA

PETA has written to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner suggesting that police dogs should be phased out and they cite four reasons which are summarised in the infographic below. 3 reasons why polic dogs should be phased out by Michael Broad The first point is an obvious one that is sometimes overlooked: consent. Dogs don’t …

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Human stress smell makes dogs (and cats?) more pessimistic

Whiff of human stress makes dogs more pessimistic

This is an interesting study. It’s about dogs but I believe that it could just as well be about dogs and cats. Or indeed many other companion animals. In earlier studies the researchers found that the smell of a stressed person can subconsciously affect the state of mind of people nearby (emotional contagion). This …

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Accidental killings in US animal shelters are often not accidents

Accident or careless management?

Intro: There are many thousands (over 4,000) of excellent animal shelters in the US saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of animals each year but there are some who are failing through sloppy management. The presence of animal shelters in the US is a wonderful thing when you think about it. They indicate …

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