For cats, every extra hundred grams of bodyweight is linked to a decrease in lifespan of about two and a half months

Happy obese cat with a shortened lifespan

A recent study about which I have written provides veterinarians and cat caregivers with the first “life tables” for pet cats in the UK. It is an important database built upon the tracking of about 8000 cats that were registered with veterinarians and had died between 2019 and 2021. If you want to, you …

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Comparing cat and dog ages with human age in a table (and more)

Cat and dog age comparison to human age

It is perhaps quite interesting to compare how both cats and dogs age in comparison to humans. You’ll see a lot of cat age charts compared to human age and likewise you’ll see the same for dogs but how about a direct cat to dog comparison? There are complications! There would be wouldn’t there. …

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Boring indoor lifestyle may contribute to dementia in domestic cats

Keep active in old age. It applies to pets and people

I am going to stick my neck out in this short note on cat dementia. Yes, domestic cats can suffer from dementia just like their human caregivers. In fact, there’s a lot of similarities between cats and people in terms of their anatomy and physiology. There really is. It’s unsurprising as we are both …

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