Can domestic cats be mentally challenged?

Cat intelligence

Can domestic cats be mentally challenged or in ruder language ‘retarded’? I believe that in order to answer the question it might be useful to divide the domestic cat into two groups: the random bred cats i.e. moggies and the purebred, pedigree cats that you normally buy from a breeder. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome There …

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Boring indoor lifestyle may contribute to dementia in domestic cats

Keep active in old age. It applies to pets and people

I am going to stick my neck out in this short note on cat dementia. Yes, domestic cats can suffer from dementia just like their human caregivers. In fact, there’s a lot of similarities between cats and people in terms of their anatomy and physiology. There really is. It’s unsurprising as we are both …

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When it is time to admit failure and rehome your cat

Old male cat screams all the time when living in a one-bedroom apartment and the female owner is at the end of her tether

There is a woman on the website who is completely at the end of her tether. She hates the cat that she adopted. She had waited all her life to adopt a cat of her own. When she finally bought her own one-bedroomed flat on the second floo she adopted an older male …

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Does Aktivait improve cognitive function in senile domestic cats?

Aktivait for cats works in my view based on my research

The experts call dementia (senility) in cats and dogs ‘Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome’. Fine but it makes it sound more complicated. When I think of dementia in companion animals and humans I think of a gradual decline and really nothing to stop it. That’s the clear message you get from all the television reports. But …

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Dementia symptom checker for domestic cats

Symptom checker for cat dementia

Here is a dementia symptom checker for domestic cats. It comes courtesy of the website. Apparently, veterinarians estimate that 85% of cat and dog dementia is undiagnosed. One in three elderly cats potentially suffer from dementia. People can spot early signs of dementia in people but can they do the same with the …

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4 Signs of Feline Senility

Cat dementia

Here are four signs of feline senility. The signs are subtle and behavioural. Perhaps they need to be combined them to make them more noticeable. General Behaviour The senile cat might have a blank expression, continuous repetitive pacing and be disinterested in self-grooming. Disorientation A senile cat may delay in recognising places or objects …

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Sedentary lifestyles and poor diets may be behind the rise in number of cats with dementia

What affects us also tends to affect our cats. So as humans in the West become more obese and less active so are our cats. Also from a personal standpoint my feeling is that we are not dealing with environmental pollution anywhere near efficiently enough. It has been found that car exhaust pollution might …

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43% of Domestic Cats over 11 Years of Age Have Dementia

It may surprise cat caretakers/guardians that a study conducted in 2003 by a private American veterinary hospital found that 43% of cats over the age of 11 exhibited signs that were consistent with “cognitive dysfunction”. That phrase means dementia in layman’s terms. Although some of these cats had other medical conditions such as diabetes …

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