UK students are allowed to identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs!

Meow - students identify as animals

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: This is another episode in an ongoing trend concerning students – I believe to be relatively young students – who want to self-identify as animals and to want to be addressed as such to the point where one student at one secondary school in the UK answered questions in class by …

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Computer games like Assassin’s Creed: Origins devalues cats as you can kill them brutally

Violence against a domestic cat in Assassin's Creed: Origins

There are some computer games in which the players have the opportunity to kill domestic cats. Is this sensible? Does it encourage the players to progress to killing real cats? Is there a connection between violence in computer games and violence in real life? It begs the question if violent films and television series …

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Kids’ exposure to cats reduces risk of allergies to egg, wheat, and soybean

Exposure to dogs or cats during fetal development or early infancy was estimated to reduce the incidence risk of food allergies until the age of 3 years

A child’s exposure to cats either during fetal development (before being born via their mother) or early infancy (0-1 year describes an infant) reduces the risk of an allergy to egg, wheat and soybean according to a Japanese study published on the Plos One website March 29, 2023 (link: Exposure to dogs in …

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Do domestic cats help children with developmental problems such as autism and ADHD?

Autism in kids and development problems and cats

I am sure that many parents have discussed whether adopting a cat or dog can help their child who has been diagnosed with autism or ADHD. There is quite a lot of information on the internet about the benefits of children with developmental problems interacting with animals. There are even programs run by charities …

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