A light reminder in an infographic that kids often like to have a kitten and when their wish is granted it is probably a good idea that there are house rules on living with the new family member. As I see it, the key is to ensure that the kids take responsibility for the cat’s welfare as this is a great learning experience. And it is good for their mental wellbeing. I think kids should learn about cat behaviour and their needs including dietary. It’s all good for the children including – the experts say – to help desensitize kids to allergens when they grow up.
Kids of animal abusers should be in foster care
The title might aggravate some people. Particularly animal abusers 😎😉. I’ll give you my thinking on this. Or perhaps you have guessed it already. My theory is that animal abuse is passed down from parent to children along the family bloodline. It is a never-ending process and only stops when one set of parents …