UK government delays the promised ban on the importation of sport hunting trophies

UK law

Not long ago the Conservative UK government promised to ban the importation of hunting trophies. The promise was in part a response to the general population’s desire to do this and I suspect Carrie Johnson, Boris Johnson’s wife had a say in the matter. But now, in a move which will further deteriorate the …

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Callous trophy hunters cause untold amounts of agony in the animals they kill

NEWS AND COMMENT: Animal advocates are lucky to have a man like Eduardo Gonçalves who is fighting against trophy and sport hunting intelligently and I hope devastatingly well. In his book Trophy Hunters Exposed: Inside the Big Game Industry he exposes the brutal callousness of trophy hunters and the untold amounts of agony that …

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76% of British citizens want to ban the importation of hunters’ trophies of all species into the UK

Ban trophy hunted imports into the UK

The British public have made their feelings known with respect to trophy hunting in a YouGov poll commissioned by Humane Society International/UK and the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting. Only 14% of the respondents in the survey said that a ban should only apply to threatened or endangered species and a mere 2% said …

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Hunting is in long-term decline across the United States

Sport hunting in decline in the USA?

USA – opinion/news: The Times reports that hunting is in long-term decline across the United States. My initial response is happiness. It appears that there has been a shift in recreation habits together with societal attitudes to killing animals. The Times journalist reports that this is hurting conservation. I argue that if wildlife conservation …

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Scientists who claimed that trophy hunting benefits conservation have financial links to hunting bodies

Palmer on the left

Scientists are meant to be in the enviable position of receiving respect because they are seen as being intelligent, unbiased and objective. This is not always the case as is highlighted by this story. On the African continent, Western sport hunters justify their behaviour by saying that it benefits wildlife conservation. The Campaign to …

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