Cats are valued more highly than deer as highlighted in this cat rescue from a tornado

Sandy among the rubble of his home

This is a story about a tornado which ripped through Tennessee over December 9 and 10th. It destroyed the home of a ginger tabby cat in Madison. The family was away at the time. A video was made of the devastation and a screenshot from that video, I’m told, showed this ginger tabby cat …

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Nauseating picture of a cougar strapped to a Lamborghini

Rich sport hunter ties his shot cougar to the back of his Lambo

This is a personal tirade. Almost a rant. Sorry, but this man’s behavior makes me angry. He appears to have asked his wife (or a friend) to photograph him with his son as he holds the head of the cougar that he just shot dead on a hunting trip. A very pleasant (not) family …

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Dr. Turner Butts enjoyed shooting a leopard in Africa

American doctor enjoys shooting a leopard dead

Dr. Turner Butts, DPM, FACFAS, is a native of Houston, Texas, and a graduate of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. He completed his three-year residency at Huston Podiatric Foundation where he was the Chief Resident in his third year. He joined the Foot and Ankle Centres in 2003. This center …

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New Zealand journalist loves domestic cats and wants to shoot feral cats. Crazy?

Patrick Gower who sees nothing wrong in shooting feral cats

Patrick Gower is mixed up in my opinion. He has a Wikipedia page so he has some influence. And he supports the North Canterbury hunting competition in New Zealand which attracted so much criticism recently as it entailed kids of 14 shooting at feral cats that could be domestic cats. Other animals are in …

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Celebrity TV rat catcher and trophy hunter will be stopped by new UK legislation

Ricky Clark shamed

NEWS AND OPINION: Ricky Clark is a rat catcher by trade. He became a TV celebrity by dint of his enthusiastic personality and buff appearance according to The Times newspaper. He has a BBC1 series called The Rat Pack which shows how he catches and kills rats with his dogs. The show received favourable …

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Woolly Cheetah

Woolly cheetah

The woolly cheetah no longer exists. They were shot rather than captured. If the woolly cheetah was a different species of cheetah we will never know. When they were in existence some people thought they were a different species while others thought they were the same species but subject to a genetic mutation which …

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Callous trophy hunters cause untold amounts of agony in the animals they kill

NEWS AND COMMENT: Animal advocates are lucky to have a man like Eduardo Gonçalves who is fighting against trophy and sport hunting intelligently and I hope devastatingly well. In his book Trophy Hunters Exposed: Inside the Big Game Industry he exposes the brutal callousness of trophy hunters and the untold amounts of agony that …

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