Trump’s pro-hunting outlook supports importation of endangered black rhino body parts

Chris Peyerk

The Trump administration has declared its credentials in allowing, through the US Federal Fish and Wildlife Service, the importation of the skin, skull and horns of a rare black rhino that an American trophy hunter shot at a cost of US$400,000. Yes, it does take some stomach to read that huge figure. Chris Peyerk, …

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French husband and wife trophy hunters faced death threats online

Mr and Mrs Alboud trophy hunters

A French couple, Mr and Mrs Alboud, have been forced to sell their supermarket franchise in France after they posed with dead trophy animals on an African safari. As a consequence, they faced death threats online from animal rights activists who circulated Facebook pictures of them. They are pictured with a leopard, crocodile, a …

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Too True: trophy hunting of wild cats is an outdated practice

Mountain lion

A big hurrah for Tommy Knowles the executive director of the Wildlife Defence League because he spells out succinctly the reason why trophy or sport hunting is so outdated and unsuited to the modern age. It is also quite simply: cruel, unnecessary and inhumane. The Wildlife Defence League (WDL) has started a campaign to …

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Pretty woman likes to kill beautiful animals for fun but she ‘respects nature’

Pretty woman kills animals for fun

For me Crystal Gibson aka northerngirl777 is a mixed up individual as she says that she ‘respects nature’ but likes to kill wild animals for the fun of it. I don’t see how you can reconcile these objectives. She is seen in the picture above with a bobcat which she shot because we are …

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Idaho wildlife officer shot a family of baboons to impress his wife

baboons shot

Blake Fischer is a Fish and Game Commissioner in Idaho. There are six other commissioners. He is an avid sport hunter. While on holiday in Namibia, Africa, Blake Fischer had someone photograph him with an entire family of baboons which he had just shot to impress his wife. He used a bow and arrow. …

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