Two women who enjoy killing animals with a bow and arrow

Lady Huntresses

This is the story of two women who enjoy killing animals with a bow and arrow. It’s a difficult one to write, because it’s difficult to get into the head of, and understand, someone who enjoys killing animals for recreation. The two women in this article are famous with a bow and arrow. One …

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Kendall Jones: Show-off Sport Hunting Teenager

Is Kendall Jones the world’s most insensitive teenager? Perhaps the word “insensitive” is too mild for this woman. She likes to shoot large wild animals including iconic species and post photos of herself with her trophy on Facebook Perhaps she’s just ignorant of the need for conservation of wildlife or perhaps she doesn’t care …

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Maltese Sport Hunters Slaughter UK Birds

Almost 11,000 sport hunters in Malta, in the Mediterranean, shoot millions of migrating birds annually. The birds are flying north from Africa on their way to the United Kingdom. Birdlife International, which is an umbrella group for many national conservation organizations, states that four million birds are shot to death each year on Malta. …

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Stories of Tiger Hunting

Stories of tiger hunting

Here are some stories of tiger hunting from the past; from a time when it was considered “normal” to hunt tigers for the fun of it. They are extracts from books in the public domain and courtesy of Google – thanks Google. I find these stories both fascinating and very disturbing. When looking back …

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