Woman says that she contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome by stroking a stray cat

Gemma on holiday

Gemma Birch believes that she contracted the very rare Guillain-Barré syndrome because she stroked a stray cat in Albufeira, Portugal in 2014. She said that she was left paralysed from the hips down after she contracted the bacterial infection from a stray cat. She liked the cat during her holiday at a resort and …

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Is it true that toxoplasmosis partially blinded two Turkish women?

2 women partially blinded by toxoplasmosis?

A Turkish online newspaper, Hurriyet Daily News, reports that toxoplasmosis has caused partial blindness in two Turkish women. Both women come from the Western province of Izmir. One woman loves cats and the other is allergic to them. “A cat-borne parasite has caused two Turkish women to lose their eye sights” One woman is …

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Moroccan cat rabies case reminds us prompt PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) can save your life

Omar Zouhri, 58, was bitten by a cat while visiting family in Mehdya, Morocco, believed to be about two weeks ago.

Prophylaxis: treatment given or action taken to prevent disease – in this case a course of rabies jabs after exposure to the disease. You can treat a bite from a rabid animal with a course of vaccinations. In the USA, the cost of a course of rabies immune globulin and four doses of vaccine …

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They Say His Cat Caused This

Feline tularemia caused glandular tularemia in this man

Doctors at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St Louis say that his cat caused these nasty symptoms on the side of this unnamed man’s face. Blood tests revealed that he was suffering from glandular tularemia caused by the Francisella tularensis bacterium. Apparently the man’s veterinarian said that his cat was suffering from feline leukaemia when in …

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Domestic cat has Q Fever and its zoonotic

Q fever under a microscope

Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada: A cat has been diagnosed with Q fever, a bacterial infection (Coxiella burnetii). Until today I hadn’t heard of domestic cats being infected with Q fever. It commonly affects farm animals such as goats, sheep and cattle. Farm workers can catch it from their animals so it is zoonotic (transmits …

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