Cat Scratch Fever Caused Erectile Dysfunction in This Man

Cat scratches

A twenty-three-year-old man living in Belgium suffered from erectile dysfunction because he had been scratched by a cat at his home – that’s the diagnosis. We don’t know whether the cat belonged to him or somebody else. Importantly, we don’t know where the cat scratched him! It invokes an interesting image in one’s mind …

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Questions over this Salmonella superbug found in Australian cat

You may have read about this: a drug resistant bacteria (a Salmonella strain) has been detected in a cat. And they say it can be transmitted to people but (a) how did the cat acquire this bacteria (b) why is it drug resistant (c) how can it be transmitted to people – bacteria are …

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Dog and Cat Saliva Health Scare is Exaggerated

A 70-year-old pensioner developed sepsis because she let her dog lick her frequently. The lady ended up in intensive care in hospital. She had multiple organ failure. She survived. She contracted a bacterial infection from her dog’s saliva. Bacteria, it is thought, in her dog’s mouth, had been passed to the lady when he …

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Reducing the chances of getting a disease from your pet

reducing chances of getting zoonotic disease

This is a comprehensive article on zoonotic diseases and how to reduce infection. It is based upon a study by three scientists which has been published on the Internet but to see it you need to pay. The study is entitled: “Reducing the Risk of Pet-associated Zoonotic Infections”. I will refer to the domestic …

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