How do cats with Feline Panleukopenia get into cat rescue facilities?

When a cat in a rescue center falls ill with feline panleukopenia it is a catastrophe for the other cats in the same facility because they might have come into contact with the cat who is very ill and because feline panleukopenia is highly contagious and often a fatal disease, veterinarians decide for the …

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Is it correct to euthanize shelter cats exposed to panleuk?

WATAUGA COUNTY, N.C. — A deadly cat, feline panleukopenia (panleuk – feline distemper) virus has forced a North Carolina shelter to make a life and death decision concerning the cats in their care. The Watauga Humane Society is euthanizing dozens of cats to keep the virus from spreading. Up to 80 are expected to be …

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Panleuk or Feline Distemper

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) All dead except Midnight and Garfield Midnight-Sole survivor Shakespeare and Midnight Shakespeare the day before he died Good day readers. The subject today is panleuk or feline distemper (Feline Panleukopenia virus). This is the saddest, most horrible and confusing story I’ve even had to write. On Wednesday, July 20th, I …

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Feline Distemper Symptom

photo by massdistraction I’ll get straight to the point: Feline Distemper Symptom Acute illness is apparent very quickly and the course of the disease can be very short. From infection to death can be 3-5 days. Sometimes the person keeping the cat may not be fully aware that a kitten is ill before she/he …

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